Monday, August 4, 2008


What's the Deal with the new schedule?
In the past we have had a Bible study on Wednesday nights and Sundays have mainly been for choir. Now we are doing an even cooler Bible study on Sunday nights with a more varied and interesting schedule on Wednesday.

I'm not in choir, should I come?
Definitely! This is not choir related at all. Of course choir is pretty cool and I'd suggest you give it a try, but regardless you are invited to the snack supper and Bible study.

Whats the schedule? Things start at 6:00 with a snack supper for both High School and Middle school and split up afterwards for a separate Bible studies. The time is purposefully left off because some weeks we may do a group activity or two before Bible study and other weeks we may go straight into our separate groups (and have some activities within the individual Bible study groups).

Whats the deal with 6th graders?
The youth group now consists of 6th-12th grade. This will allow us to have true Middle School group for Bible study and special activities.

Will I have to hang out with 6th graders/12th graders?
This change does mean that High Schoolers will be interacting with 6th graders more. It also means that there will be a lot more stuff aimed at the specific age group you are in than ever before.

The Deep End

Whats up with the name?
It's easy to pick a theme for the Middle School group. Its a little harder with High School. I chose the Deep End because that is what I hear y'all asking for. Pool parties for one. But more metaphorically, you are looking for spiritual, emotional, social, and intellectual depth. So thats the goal for the Bible study. When we read the Bible we want to do so in a way that seeks depth. When we discuss we are longing for deep conversations. That doesn't mean things can't be fun, but it does mean we will try to make sure things don't get too shallow.
Who is jumping of the diving board in the picture?
Walker Waldrep
Where is that picture from?
It is a real photo from the Florida choir tour at that spring place. It has been stylistically enhanced using Photoshop. Oh, and props to Christy Slaughter for taking the picture.
Middle Schoolers get rewards for memorizing and attendence. Do we?
No, we won't be doing that sort of thing. We may do some special activities, but I know must of you are too old to do something just to earn a t-shirt. I hope you will learn scripture and commit to being there each week, but I know that I can't bribe you. So, we'll leave that sort of thing behind as we wade into the depths.

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